Within the last couple of months I have joined some pretty neat websites and followed some blogs that have ideas ranging from easy, quick meals to couponing. Most of the sites are run by SAHM's (Stay-at-Home-Mom's) and I always have the intention of doing some of the ideas that they throw out there, but the reality of it is, I can't. I have six kids, I can't spend a day and a half refinishing the bathroom cabinets or making pretty little costumes for my kids to play in for no special occasion. Yet I still find myself "trying" to do some of the cutesie-pootsie things featured on these websites. One thing that I managed to get done, though it's not as pretty as the ones I've seen, is I created an advent calendar that leads up to Valentines day. Each day one of the boys draws out a heart shaped card from the calendar that coincides with the date and on the back of the heart there are instructions on one special activity to do for the day. It ranges from "make a Valentine for Grandpa" to "Go around the table at dinner time and tell everyone one thing you love about them". I even have to say, my husband was even in to it. I of course systematically put certain things in certain days. For example, yesterday the card that was pulled said, "Enjoy a Valentine Themed Breakfast" So, we had heart shaped strawberry scones with strawberries and topping. I had to save that one for a weekend. There was no way I was going to try to make scones and get all the kids up and going during the week. Each morning the boys are excited to see what the calendar has in store for them, and in the end, we are working together as a family.
WTF?!? Friday. Stacked.
13 years ago